Epistaxis treatment of folk remedies
- Published in Traditional medicine
Many patients (and sometimes health workers) make the mistake of forcing the patient with nose bleeding to go to bed. When the patient lies down, the blood does not come out through the nose, and gives the impression that the bleeding had stopped. But this impression is deceptive. Most often the bleeding continues, but the patient swallows the blood. In 90 cases, to stop a nosebleed is not difficult, but needs proper methods and sequence of actions.
- At the outbreak of epistaxis, the patient must get a good blow on the nostrils, which is bleeding.
- Seat the patient on a sofa or a chair and force him to throw back his head.
- Moisten the cotton with hydrogen peroxide, epinephrine -, nitrofurazone, press and invest in the bleeding nostril.
- Strongly pressed by the thumb wing of the nose to the nasal septum and keep your finger in that position for 1-12 min (to stop nosebleeds).
- The bridge of the nose and upper forehead or the back of the head apply ice or a cold wet rag.
In most cases, after the adoption of these measures nasal bleeding stops.
If all the measures taken have not been successful, it is urgent to consult a ENTdoctor.
Traditional medicine in nosebleeds recommends applying ointment from the plants that have a hemostatic effect. The dried herb (or part thereof) was crushed into powder and mixed in a ratio of 1:4 with pork lard, vaseline or sunflower oil.
An example is the OINTMENT OF the ROOTS of CALAMUS. 1 tsp crushed roots mixed with 50 ml of lanolin or vaseline. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose 2-3 times a day.
For preparing ointments you can take a tincture of HEMOSTATIC PLANTS. Usually tinctures take 2-3 ml, and vaseline - 50 g and mixed thoroughly. The resulting ointment to use for lubrication of the nasal mucosa.
Remember, traditional medicines can not fully replace classical methods of medicine!
Be healthy!
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