Cerebral palsy treatment using magnetic resonance therapy
- Published in Traditional medicine
One of the best magnetotherapeutic India Dr. R. S. Tucker stated: "Take two magnets with different field, use them daily and you will achieve any goal". Indeed, the use of both poles has a regulating effect on the centers of the hypothalamus, they strengthen the entire autonomic nervous system, make people younger and stronger. For example, you can put your right foot on the North pole of the magnet, and the left on the southern pole or to take appropriate magnets in hands. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, thereby maintaining the polarization of the left and right halves of the body and the natural asymmetry of the cerebral cortex of the brain.
Indian scientists X. L. Bansal and R. C. Bansal is recommended for muscle weakness superimposed on the large muscle groups of permanent magnets South pole to the skin for 10 minutes, morning and evening. They lead a very illustrative case: a girl after birth suffered a brain infection with damage to speech and motor centers, aged 2 years and 8 months was quite unable to speak and walk (even make two steps). Was launched magnetotherapy. A month later the girl began to move, and after 3 months to walk normally and even speak!
Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of cerebral palsy and other articles on alternative medicine.
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