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Epilepsy treatment with homeopathy

  • Published in Traditional medicine
Epilepsy treatment with homeopathy

In older sources the authors recommended in epilepsy absinthium, Artemisia, cuprum of metallicum, azidum hydrazinium, Silicea, the calcium arsenicosum, enance of crocata. Moscow healer V. N. Vinogradov immediately upon the occurrence of attacks has appointed the following complex: Argentum metallicum 6, the Argentum nitricum 6, Artemesia 3, 6, Hyoscyamus 3, potassium bro-matum b, calcium of carbonicum 6, cuprum of metallicum 6, Seeley-tseya 6, stannum of metallicum 6, sulphur 6, platinum 6, plumbum 6, Nux vomica 6, Arnica 3x. Take 8 drops 5 times a day throughout the year.

In my opinion, you can use other effective systems. For example, the homeopath S. Vronsky proposed the following course of treatment.

Day 1:

Argentum nitricum (12, 30), wiper 12. 8-10 grains in the morning on an empty stomach.

Ignacy 30, cuprum of metallicum 30, Naya 12, cuprum, azeti-Kum 6. 8-10 grains 1-2 times a day.

Veratrum album 3 (6, 12), Cicuta of virosa 3, Artemesia 3, cactus SX. 8-10 grains 3 times a day.

Viper 12. 7-8 grains in the evening before bedtime.

Day 2:

Argentum nitricum 12 (30), magnesium of fosforikum 3. 8-10 grains in the morning on an empty stomach.

Belladonna 6, Agaricus 6, Ignacy 3 (30), Colocynthis SX. 8-10 grains 1-2 times a day.

Hyoscyamus 3x, Arnica 2, absinthium FET 3, Valerian FET 2. 8-10 grains 1-2 times a day.

Magnesium of fosforikum 3. 7-8 grains in the evening before bedtime.

3rd day:

Argentum nitricum 12, Zincum of metallicum 3. 8-10 grains in the morning on an empty stomach.

Arsenicum 30, phosphorus 30, Aurum of bromatum 30, Zincum lanatum 30. 8-10 grains 1-2 times a day.

Calcium phosphoricum 6, 6 curare, potassium of fosforikum 6, ment piperita 3. 8-10 grains 1-2 times a day.

Zincum of metallicum 3. 7-8 grains in the evening before bedtime.

Then the course is repeated from the 1st day.

Homeopathy in the treatment of epilepsy and other articles on alternative medicine.

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