Disease sexually transmitted:

Chlamydia (chlamydia infection)

Absansa epilepsy Kalpa

Absansa epilepsy Kalpa

The age of onset 5-8-10 years.

Seizures - simple (typical and atypical) absences, usually serial and can be extremely frequent - and more up to 50 a day. Begin suddenly, without warning, a short-term shutdown of consciousness and also suddenly end. After the seizure no trace of mental disorders, patients continue what I have started. Simple absence seizures occur in about a quarter of cases, the last seconds with the so-called "blank stare", often directed upwards.

Acquired aphasia with epilepsy syndrome (Landau)

Acquired aphasia with epilepsy syndrome (Landau)

Typically beginning at the age of 3-7 years, but can occur earlier and later. Early in the disease occurs relatively slowly progressive disorder of speech understanding. From a neuropsychological point of view, it develops auditory verbal agnosia. In further violation of speech understanding join disorder expressive speech. Spontaneous speech disappears within a few weeks or months. Often there is complete loss of speech.

Acute and transient psychotic disorder

Acute and transient psychotic disorder

After a short initial period with symptoms of anxiety, worry, insomnia and confusion arises acute sensual delirium with rapid changes in patterns of delirium. Acute psychosis lasts from one to two weeks. Ideas, relationships, values, harass, mock, false recognition and delusional double (Capgras) appear in the background of mythological, symbolic interpretation of the surrounding, in the middle of it is the patient himself. Frequent experience of spiritualization of animals, plants, inanimate objects, separate on ideas of influence.

Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder

Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder

This variant of psychosis is characterized by a rapid change of symptoms polymorphic delusions of persecution, the values with the symbolic interpretation of the surrounding, a variety of auditory, usually true hallucinations amid the emotion of fear, anxiety, arousal or affective retardation.

Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia

Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia

This diagnosis is considered not only as the first in schizophrenic Manifesto, but in favorable cases of the disease, for example with long-term remissions and spontaneous outputs from psychosis, advantageously, each subsequent psychosis attributed to this group but not to schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. In the clinic of acute psychosis in this group are productive symptoms of the first rank, characteristic of schizophrenia, but there are no negative emotional-volitional disorders.

Acute reaction to stress

Acute reaction to stress

In the occurrence and severity of acute reactions to stress play a role of individual vulnerability and adaptive capacity - this is evidenced by the fact that this disorder develops not all people exposed to severe stress.

Acute shizofrenopodobnyh psychotic disorder

Acute shizofrenopodobnyh psychotic disorder

Should be differentiated from symptomatic period of paranoid schizophrenia, especially in adolescence. If the disorder begins with an initial period in which sound negative symptoms of schizophrenia, the risk of diagnosis increases.

Affective disorder

Affective disorder

Major depressive disorder is often called clinical depression, when a person has experienced at least one depressive episode. Depression without periods of mania often referred to as unipolar depression because the mood remains at one emotional state or "pole". When diagnostics have identified a number of subtypes or specifications for the course of treatment:
- Atypical depression is characterized by the reactivity and positive mood (paradoxical anhedonia [paradoxical anhedonia]), significant weight gain or increased appetite ("eat to relieve anxiety"), excessive sleep or sleepiness (hypersomnia), a sensation of heaviness in the limbs and the significant lack of socialization as a consequence to an apparent hypersensitivity to social rejection.

Affective mood disorders

Affective mood disorders

The main violation is the change in affect or mood, level of motor activity, activity in social functioning. Other symptoms, such as a change of pace thinking, psychosensory disorders, statements of self-blame or revaluation, is secondary to these changes. The clinic is manifested in the form of episodes (manic and depressive) bipolar (two-phase) and recurrent disorders, as well as in the form of chronic mood disorders. Between psychosis marked intermissio without psychopathological symptoms. Affective disorders are almost always reflected in the somatic sphere (physiological departures, weight, skin turgor, etc.).



Fear of open spaces, crowds and the inability to return to a safe place, fear to lose consciousness in a public place, the lack of immediate access to the exit.

Alarming (evasion) personality disorder

Alarming (evasion) disorder MicroStation (evasion) personality disorder

Main characteristic is shyness. Complaints about the feeling of tightness and heavy feeling, extreme sensitivity to rejection, resulting in social isolation. In times of stress characteristic flight. The fear to speak in public. Any failure is perceived as an insult to the work shy and show themselves trying to please everyone around. Unwilling to enter relationships without warranties please.

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's Disease

The first symptoms are often confused with signs of aging or stress response. The earliest cognitive difficulties identified in some people with detailed neurocognitive testing for eight years before diagnosis. These initial symptoms can affect the most complex daily tasks. Most notably the memory disorder, which manifests itself in difficulty when trying to remember recently learned facts and inability to acquire new information.

An eating disorder in infancy and childhood

An eating disorder in infancy and childhood

Recurring trigiani without vomiting or related gastrointestinal disease, lasting at least 1 mo., following a period of normal function.

Anankastnoe (obsessive-compulsive) personality disorder

Anankastnoe (obsessive-compulsive) personality disorder

The characteristic features of personality rigidity, stubbornness, love of order, rules, laws, neatness, detail - commitment to excellence (perfectionism), preventing you from completing tasks. Anankastic formal, serious and without a sense of humor, flexibility and tolerance. Capable of prolonged routine work, if it does not require innovation. Communication is not able to compromise and insist that others also obey their rules.

Anorexia nervous

Anorexia nervous

In anamnesis of the patients reported reduced self-esteem, they say that they often tease thick. Sometimes Teens tend to achieve specific Ego-ideal, for example, actress, singer. Looking at myself in the mirror, they see a discrepancy themselves and the ideal.

Anxiety disorder

Anxiety disorder

According to the ICD-10 anxiety disorders are divided into:
Anxiety phobic disorder (i.e. other anxiety disorders, which includes):
- panic disorder-
- generalized anxiety disorder-
mixed anxiety-depressive disorder-
- obsessive-compulsive disorder-
- reaction to severe stress.
Anxiety phobic disorders of adaptation:
- posttraumatic stress disorder-
- panic disorder-
- obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Panic disorder. The main symptom of panic disorder is recurring panic attacks, ie, a sudden occurrence of fear and discomfort associated with symptoms such as shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, choking, chest pain, shakiness, sweating, and fear to die or go crazy.

Anxiety disorder organic nature

Anxiety disorder organic nature

The clinic is characterized by tremor, feelings shake in the epigastric region, spasm around the navel, the muscles of the scalp, tachycardia, and increased blood pressure, fast breathing, paleness or redness, sweating, feeling of dryness in the mouth. It is usually accelerated. Anxiety disorder can generalizability until panic disorder. Anxiety in behavior manifests itself in unstable fixation of the gaze, the sightseeing tour, the reactions of the shoulder (with a slight sound or a stranger's shoulders lifted, is reduced by hiding) in the gesture - rubbing of the neck, hands, shuffling the folds of her clothes.

Anxiety phobic disorder

Anxiety phobic disorder

Manifest specific obsessive fear and anxiety that occur in a specific situation, accompanied by autonomic dysfunction. As a result, these situations or objects are avoided or tolerated with a sense of fear. Old authors called this group of diseases, "the garden of Greek roots" with the prefix - phobia, such as claustrophobia, mysophobia, agoraphobia. The behavior of patients is of proper character. Fear in phobias condizionale - that is, appears only under certain conditions, and outside of these conditions does not occur.

Asperger syndrome (autistic psychopathy, schizoid disorder of childhood)

Asperger syndrome (autistic psychopathy, schizoid disorder of childhood)

Under 3 years of age, there is a period of normal development. Then there are violations in relationships with adults and peers. Speech becomes monotonous. The child begins to stay aloof, insular, he dedicates his time to a narrow, stereotypical range of interests. Behaviour is determined impulsivity, contrasting affects, desires, and beliefs. Some children have found the ability to unusual, unconventional understanding of themselves and others.

Asthenic disorders (asthenia)

Asthenic disorders (asthenia)

Fatigue asthenia is always combined with reduced productivity at work, especially noticeable when the intellectual work. Patients complain of bad intelligence, forgetfulness, unstable attention. They find it difficult to focus on someone one. They are trying with an effort of will to force yourself to think about a certain subject, but soon notice that they have in mind, involuntarily, appear entirely different thoughts unrelated to what they do. Decreases the number of views. Hampered by their verbal expression: unable to find the right words. Views lose their sharpness. Formulated the idea seems patient inaccurate, poorly reflecting the meaning of what he wanted it to Express. Patients are annoyed at the inconsistency.

Benign children with epilepsy peaks in the EEG in the Central-temporal region

Benign children with epilepsy peaks in the EEG in the Central-temporal region

Age of onset - 3-12 years, culminating in 9-10 years.

The attacks are rare, occur in a mild form and in 70-80 cases are characterized by simple partial (consciousness intact): faringo-oral and unilateral facial myoclonia and Clonie causing the bias of the person, somatosensory sensations (tingling, numbness in the tongue, gums, cheek with one hand), vocalization and stopping speech, hypersalivation. With secondary generalization - gamesgarage or generalized seizure.

Benign familial idiopathic neonatal convulsions

Benign familial idiopathic neonatal convulsions

Age of onset - 1 to 7-th day of life, most often the 2nd or 3rd day.

Attacks reach frequencies up to 3-6 per day, duration of 1-8 minutes. Convulsions coupled with the rhythm of "sleep-Wake", often during sleep. Attacks are often focal in nature: soft flowing short seizures type of apnea or clone, tonic manifestations, characteristic eye symptoms (staring wide-open eyes, deviation of the eyes, up, nystagmoid twitching, blinking eyelids, dilatation of the pupil), areautomatically (Orofacial, arealimentary).

Bipolar affective disorder

Bipolar affective disorder

Hypomanic statechartered elevated mood, feelings of uplift, physical and mental vigor. It's verbose, Express Characteristically moderately expressed motor excitation. Attention is characterized by increased distractibility. Moderately reduced sleep duration.

Bulimia nervous

Bulimia nervous

Patients complain of periods, reminiscent of the attacks of acute desire to eat, Intrusive thoughts and dreams about food. Sometimes in these experiences there is a certain type of food (meat, flour, sweet), the obsession is lifted overeating, which in a short period of time eaten large amounts of food, some of which may be conditionally edible or damaged. Further, to prevent overweight, patients cause vomiting, taking a laxative, diuretic, long fast, use hormones that suppress appetite.

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