Disease sexually transmitted:

Tertiary syphilis

Abnormalities of the nose

Deformation of the external nose (one or two inlet openings in the nose in the absence of the nose and intranasal structures, or excessive development of the nose and its separate structures), difficulty (violation) of sucking and swallowing due to violation of the integrity of the sucking muscles.

Abnormalities of the paranasal sinuses

Abnormal development of the maxillary sinuses are most often marked by the following signs.
Complete absence or partial narrowing of the sinus due to depressions in her nose or front wall. The degree of retardation can vary, from minor depressions the canine fossa (fossa canina) to the confluence of the facial and nasal walls with the disappearance of the sinus in the lower division

Abscess of the cerebellum

Abscess of the cerebellum

General and cerebral symptoms are the same as in case of brain abscess, although there are some differences.
So, most frequently headache localized in the occipital or frontal region, pain usually appears in the second half of the day or night. Almost always a headache accompanied by vomiting, in some cases, uncontrollable. The non-systemic dizziness, does not depend on the head position.
Frequent symptoms - stiff neck and forced position of the head.

Acute ethmoiditis

Acute ethmoiditis

The clinical course of the disease in young children has significant differences.
Acute ethmoiditis in the newborn. Fast flowing severe disease, resulting in a few hours to severe complications: osteomyelitis of the upper jaw, sepsis. In newborns and infants simultaneously affects all the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth and the maxillary sinus.

Acute frontal sinusitis

Acute frontal sinusitis

Acute sinusitis should be differentiated from neuralgia of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve, which is characterized by paroxysmal headache and tenderness when pressing on the area of the exit of the supraorbital nerve in the area of the eyebrows. However, in neuralgia from pressure pain decreases, and when sinusitis is enhanced.

Acute otitis media in children

Acute otitis media in children

In the classical period of acute inflammation of the middle ear distinguish 3 stages: I - the initial development process, II - after the occurrence of perforation of the eardrum and III - recovery. Each of them lasts approximately 1 week. On stage I have little pain, fever, hearing loss, at otoscopy marked redness of the tympanic membrane. There is a General intoxication, the reaction of the periosteum of the mastoid process.

Acute primary tonsillitis

Acute primary tonsillitis

Catarrhal angina begins acutely - the temperature is usually low-grade, sometimes rises to 38 °C - disturb headache, malaise, and sometimes chills. Soon there is a sore throat, worse when swallowing, especially when it is empty throat. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged and painful on palpation. Hemogram little changed.
Local symptoms: significant redness of the mucous membrane of the tonsils and adjacent the front and rear arches, partly of the soft palate, tonsils loosened, somewhat enlarged, tongue coated, dry.

Acute rhinitis

Acute rhinitis

Acute rhinitis in children older flows almost the same as in adults. In infants acute rhinitis is a serious illness with prevalence of General symptoms and the frequent development of complications. The younger the child, the heavier flows of acute rhinitis.

Acute serous otitis media middle

Acute serous otitis media middle

First, there is an easy autofone, slight hearing loss (thresholds of air conduction does not exceed 20 dB, thresholds, bone conduction speech in the area remained normal). Duration of the catarrhal stage may be up to 1 month.
Stage II - secretory - characterized by a predominance of secretion and accumulation of mucus in the tympanic cavity. Observed metaplasia of the mucosa of the middle ear with the increase in the number of secretory glands and goblet cells.

Acute sinusitis ear and nose

Acute sinusitis

Clinical manifestations of catarrhal form of sinusitis in children of preschool age are often interpreted as SARS. The disease occurs with mild fever (up to 38 °C), a runny nose, catarrhal changes in the upper respiratory tract. Rhinitis prolonged, accompanied by fatigue, irritability, poor sleep, prolonged Intrusive cough.

Acute sphenoidal

Acute sphenoidal

Background febrile temperature without local changes in the area of the paranasal sinuses and orbit.
Leading complaint of patients: acute headache in the occipital region in the back of my head, sometimes in the sockets, at least in the crown, temples, nasal congestion and decreased sense of smell, the sense of flowing "sputum" from the nasopharynx, cacosmia. Nasal discharge is usually not available, as they flow down from the upper nasal passage into the nasopharynx.

Acute suppurative otitis media

Acute suppurative otitis media

The cause of the disease is a combination of factors such as the reduction of local and General resistance and the infection in the tympanic cavity. Through the Eustachian tube into the tympanic cavity often gets microflora, saprofitiruyuschem in the throat, but it doesn't cause inflammation, if the local and General reactivity in normal.

Adhesive otitis media

Adhesive otitis media

OTO-pattern adhesive otitis media characterized by the presence of scarring, retraction of the tympanic membrane. Excessive development of scar tissue may lead to deformation of the tympanic membrane. There has been a violation tournoi functions of varying degrees of severity with some improvement after insufflation of the Eustachian tube.

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis

An allergic reaction is manifested by itching, paroxysmal (paroxysmal) chehalem, profuse rhinorrhea, swelling and redness of the face and conjunctiva, lacrimation, headache, tachycardia.

At the same time there is swelling in the paranasal sinuses (allergic rinosinusopatia).

Angina lingual tonsil

Angina lingual tonsil

The common symptoms are usually the same as those with angina.
Severe pain when swallowing increases with the movements of the tongue and the pressure on him (closer to the root of the tongue). Inflammation of the lingual tonsil covers and intermuscular connective tissue and can lead to interstitial suppurative inflammation of the tongue. When abscess form of inflammation (due to injury of the lingual tonsil, such as fish bone) the pain becomes sharp, worse when swallowing, fever, impaired General condition.
When indirect laryngoscopy revealed swelling, redness lingual tonsils, purulent yellow plaque on its surface.

Angina Ludwig

Angina Ludwig

The disease begins with a feeling of unease and tension in the angle of the lower jaw, pain when talking and swallowing, General weakness, fever.
Palpation felt tight as a Board, infiltrate, which gradually passes over the middle line and performs all the space submental region, descending down the side or middle part of the neck. The skin over the infiltration swells, reddens.

Atresia of the nasal cavity

Atresia of the nasal cavity

Treatment In children younger atresia are often congenital and is caused by disambiguator facial bones, appear as an independent anomaly of the nose or as a component of a genetic syndrome.

Atrophic rhinitis

Atrophic rhinitis

Clinical symptoms of simple atrophic rhinitis and ozena different.
Simple atrophic rhinitis has the following characteristics. The disease is accompanied by the downsizing of the office of mucus, having a tendency to form crusts, but without the smell. Children usually malnutrition, irritable, pale skin, mouth breathing. Patients complain of a feeling of dryness in the nose, nasal obstruction, scant viscous secretions, sometimes with crusts, intermittent small nosebleeds.

Boil vestibule of the nose

Boil vestibule of the nose

Manifestations of the disease depend on the prevalence of primary inflammatory process and the reactivity of the patient's body. Usually the first symptoms are local pain in the region of the nose, fever, impaired General condition, weakness, malaise, headache.
The skin of the tip or wings of the nose becomes red, swollen, painful when touched.

Burns and frostbite of the nose

Burns and frostbite of the nose

On examination revealed hematoma, infiltrates, defects and running for the delaminated areas of the mucosa and fibrin. Occur simultaneously burn reaction of the mucosa of the posterior pharyngeal wall with salivation, dysphagia, pain, and reflex and resorptive General toxic phenomena.



Subjectively cerumen may be a long time does not appear, or you get a feeling of fullness, ringing in the ear, autophony (perception of their own voice laid the ear), sometimes the cough reflex. Hearing decreases usually with complete obstruction of the lumen of the auditory canal. Most often it is observed when getting water in the ear, which causes swelling of the cerumen.

Cholesteatoma of the external ear

Cholesteatoma of the external ear

Cholesteatoma may be a long time not to give specific symptoms, but most patients complain of dull, aching, bursting, pressing, or shooting pains in the ear, headache, giddiness, caused by labyrinthitis. Discharge from the ear are more often poor putrid odor. In purulent discharge can be found whitish curd-like lumps.

Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

Permanent and pronounced nasal obstruction, headache, sleep disorder, decreased sense of smell and hearing, closed twang, fatigue, confusion and inability to attend school. Edema (polypoid) form shows polypoid degeneration of the mucosa of the middle and upper nasal passages swollen liquid accumulates at the posterior ends of the turbinates.

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