Disease sexually transmitted:

Congenital syphilis

A ganglioma (have ganglioneuroma)

A ganglioma (have ganglioneuroma)

A ganglioma - tumor of the tendon sheaths. Most often occurs in women on the dorsum of the hand, rarely stop. There is an opinion that a ganglioma occurs due to physical overexertion. This is evidenced by the fact that she is more often seen in typists and pianists. In all likelihood, such formations occur in areas of tendon rupture with subsequent cystic lesion, with a hernia of the synovial membrane.

Acoustic neuroma

Acoustic neuroma

Symptoms of neuroma auditory nerveroot in the hearing loss that occurs as a result of compression by the tumor cochlear portion of the nerve. In addition, this tumor may compress the brain stem. In rare cases, this compression can be life threatening in the case of a large tumor size, as in this part of the brain are the respiratory and vasomotor centers.

The majority of acoustic neuroma is a slow-growing tumor that may develop within a few years, until it starts.

Adenoma of the parathyroid (parathyroid) glands

Adenoma of the parathyroid (parathyroid) glands

In the differential diagnosis adenoside to keep in mind hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands. The latter occurs secondary to some diseases of the kidneys or bones or sometimes primary. Unlike adenoma with hyperplasia of changes occur in all glands and are most pronounced in the upper pair. Microscopically in hyperplastic glands is dominated by the main partiality with minimal polymorphism monomorphic and structure of all parts of the body.

Adenoma of the thyroid gland

Adenoma of the thyroid gland

The characteristic clinical sign of adenoma detection in the thyroid gland of a host that has a rounded or oval shape, smooth surface and crisp edges. Sometimes there are multiple adenomas in one or both lobes of the thyroid gland. Perhaps a combination of the adenoma with goiter and cancer in the form of isolated nodes.



Clinical manifestations of the disease can be combined by three basic syndromes - cardiovascular, neuromuscular and renal.

Cardiovascular syndrome is characterized, as a rule, resistant hypertension, headaches, fundus changes, hypertrophy of the left ventricular myocardium, degeneration myocardium. The occurrence of the mentioned changes associated with sodium retention in body tissues, hypervolemia, intimal edema, reduction of the lumen of blood vessels and increase peripheral resistance, increased vascular sensitivity of receptors to the effects of Pressor factors.

Angioma of the pharynx

Angioma of the pharynx

Symptoms of angioma is composed of an indefinite sensation of a foreign object (sometimes these complaints may not be) and bleeding. Last, given the easy damage of the oropharynx may be the leading symptom. Fiji (Figi) notes that the slightest injury cavernous angiomas can cause serious bleeding, sometimes fatal.

Angiosarcoma of the liver

Angiosarcoma of the liver

Symptoms of angiosarcoma of the liver is not specific. Patients complain of abdominal pain, weakness and loss of body weight, also often defined hepatomegaly, ascites and jaundice. Liver function tests are also changed, but none of them is a direct marker of the tumor.

Astrocytoma brain

Astrocytoma brain

The most frequent symptoms of astrocytomas:headache, seizures, changes in patient behavior, memory loss.

Can also develop a speech disorder, nausea with vomiting, impaired vision, unsteady gait.

Basal cell carcinoma (basal cell carcinoma)

Basal cell carcinoma (basal cell carcinoma)

Basal cell carcinoma is often asymptomatic, but there may be ulceration and bleeding. Patients complain of the presence of ulcers or tumors that slowly increase in the next few months or years, painless, sometimes accompanied by itching.
The tumor develops from keratinocytes basal layer of the epidermis.
The following clinical forms of basalom: nodular, superficial ulcer, scar. The clinical pattern of basal cell carcinoma depends on the location and shape of the tumor.
The nodular form is the most common form of basal cell carcinoma.

Benign tumors of the language

Benign tumors of the language

Adenomas are formed of small mucous glands, which can develop, and mixed tumors (described papillary cystadenoma tip and polyps of the tongue from the islets gipertroficescoy of gastric mucosa).

Benign tumors of the optic nerve

Benign tumors of the optic nerve

Primary benign tumors of the optic nerve, usually present the same type, regardless of what kind of cells they are presented. Such tumors appear progressive protrusion of the eyeball (exophthalmos), first forward, and then with the displacement of the eye and restrict its movements, decreased vision: reduced visual acuity and field of vision drop some parts (the patient does not see individual locations). Sometimes these disorders end up with total blindness.

Benign tumors of the oral cavity

Benign tumors of the oral cavity

At surface location is easily identified. Interstitial position creates a plot of vbuhania, asymmetry. Among the most common are benign papilloma, fibroma, sebaceous cyst, cyst, adesnik. The tumor in the oral cavity is exposed to permanent injury food lump during chewing, teeth when talking. Constant irritation can stimulate degeneration to malignant.

Benign tumors of the pharynx

Benign tumors of the pharynx

Benign tumors of the pharynx often characterized by slow growth, lack of response from the regional lymph nodes. Tumors have a smooth surface, except for the warts covered unaltered mucosa with preserved or increased vascular pattern.

Benign tumors of the pleura

Benign tumors of the pleura

In case of small localized mesotheliomas occur usually asymptomatic. With increasing tumor size may cause pain in the chest, shortness of breath, dry cough, subfebrile body temperature. Often the growth of a tumor develops nonspecific osteoarthropathy (symptom Marie - Bamberger).
With a significant size of the tumor visible bulging of the chest wall, respectively, the place of its localization, dullness and respiratory depression in this area.

Bladder cancer

Bladder cancer

The symptoms of bladder cancer include one leading main symptom is hematuria (the presence of the admixture of blood in the urine). It is the first symptom of the disease in 75 cases. Appears suddenly hematuria - blood significant, but not characteristic of renal tumors of the vermiform form clots. Hematuria is more resistant than in benign papillomas.

Bone marrow malignant tumors

Bone marrow malignant tumors

Clinical manifestations of Ewing's sarcoma in principle do not have specificity. As with many other malignant tumors, and even in inflammatory processes of the main symptoms are pain in the affected bone, swelling and limitation of the movement and support function of the limb. However, generalizing and analyzing numerous observations, some authors (N. N. Trapeznikov, L. A. Eremin, P. A. Sinyukov) distinguish two groups of patients. Patients of the first group, the tumor is a relatively long time remains within the same bone and late-metastasizes to lymph nodes and lungs. Metastases to other bones appear only in the terminal stage. Patients of the second group, the tumor causes a rapid and extensive destruction of bone, rapidly metastasize to other bones and one solitary defeat in the first months of the disease becomes generalized.

Bone tumors

Bone tumors

Both primary and secondary bone tumors cause pain, which may be the first notable and significant symptom. The pain usually is localized and is deeply aching, permanent, worries at rest and during exercise. At first the pain is not constant worrying at night or when walking in the case of lesions of the lower limb.

Boveney papules penis

Boveney papules penis

The age of patients ranged from 17 to 40 years of age and older (mean age 31 years). This process usually affects the genitals of persons with multiple sexual partners.
Clinically solitary or multiple papules with a diameter of from 0.2 to 3.3 cm (mean diameter 0.7 cm), normal skin color or brownish color, testovatoy consistency with a smooth or warty surface, sometimes covered with serous crust. Sometimes small papules coalesce into large plaques.

Bowen's disease Oncology

Bowen's Disease

The most frequent localization of the disease Bowen - the inner foreskin. Bowen's disease has the potential malignancy and can turn into squamous cell carcinoma. Occurs more frequently in uncircumcised men aged 40 to 70 years, but may be localized at any location of the skin, and mucous membranes (soft palate, uvula, tongue).

Brain cancer

Brain cancer

Scientific data show that people with certain risk factors are more likely to develop cancer of the brain. People with risk factors, such as the work at the plant for the refining of petroleum chemists, embalmers or rubber industry workers, have higher rates of brain cancer. In some families there are several family members with brain cancer, but the role of heredity as causes of the development of brain tumors has not been proven.

Brain glioma

Brain glioma

Symptoms of gliomas depend on the localization of brain tumor, and stage. Common symptoms include: headaches, eelationship seizures, difficulty speaking, weakness/paralysis of one part of the body or of the face, blurred vision, decreased sensations, impaired balance, nausea/vomiting, changes in behavior, worsening of memory and thinking. The disease untreated malignant glioma is characterized by constant invasive growth, and even in the case of treatment, almost universal recurrence.

Breast cancer (breast cancer)

Breast cancer (breast cancer)

Localization of cancerous tumors in the mammary glands the most different. Equally often affects both right and left gland is about 2.5 see bilateral breast cancers. The second node gland may be as metastasis and second independent tumor.
In the breast more often (Primera in 1/2 patients) tumors arise in the upper outer quadrant, sometimes at the edge of it on the border of the armpit.
Unfortunately, explicit manifestations of breast cancer appear, as a rule, already at advanced forms of cancer.

Burkitt Lymphoma

Burkitt Lymphoma

The classic version of the tumor - single or multiple tumors of the jaw, which can diffuse to spread to salivary glands, thyroid gland and other organs. The tumor grows quickly and infiltrate the soft tissue and destroys the bone, causing deformity of the nose, impaired breathing and swallowing, loss of teeth, deformation of the jaws. As with any infectious disease patients can distinguish General toxic syndrome at the beginning of the disease with fever and the appearance on the background of a rapidly expanding tumor site.

Cancer of the anal canal

Cancer of the anal canal

Cancer of the anal canal has a bright clinical manifestations. Practically no cases of asymptomatic course of cancer of the anal canal.
The most frequent and most early manifested a symptom of anal cancer - the presence of the admixture of red blood in the stool.

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