Disease sexually transmitted:

Secondary syphilis

Acute infectious arthritis

Acute infectious arthritis

In most cases affects one or two joints. Arthritis begins acutely with rezchayshuyu pain, joint swelling, redness and hyperthermia him, but sometimes these phenomena for a few days precedes the migratory polyarthralgia. Simultaneously with the development of articular syndrome there fever hectic type, chills, sweats. In the blood revealed leukocytosis with a marked shift to the left leukocyte, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate and other indicators of inflammatory activity.

Alkaptonuria and agronomicheskaja arthropathy

Alkaptonuria and agronomicheskaja arthropathy

On examination, the patient is visible gray pigmentation and thickening of the skin of the face, especially on the bridge of the nose, around the eyes and lips, and the dark colour of the skin folds on the neck, abdomen, palms, armpits and groin. Characteristic Sarahyba color and density of the auricles. On the sclera of the eye revealed a patchy brown pigmentation in the form of triangular spots or dots. Pigment deposition may also be on the conjunctiva.

Allergic (eosinophilic) granulomatous angitis (syndrome Cerca-Strauss)

Allergic (eosinophilic) granulomatous angitis (syndrome Cerca-Strauss)

The disease begins at the age of 15-70 years, usually about 40-45 years. The ratio of men and women is the same as in the nodular nodosa (3:1). An important feature of the clinical picture is relatively long (several years) prodromal phase manifested by symptoms of asthma, which is often preceded by allergic rhinitis. The originality of these manifestations is that they often develop in middle-aged age persons without such disorders among the relatives. The second phase is characterized by high eosinophilia in peripheral blood and transient pulmonary eosinophilic infiltrates (Loeffler's syndrome). These symptoms can also recur within a few years, but then are replaced by 3rd phase, i.e. clinical picture actually vasculitis is very close to the nodosa.

Ankylosing spondylitis (Ankylosaurus spondylitis)

Ankylosing spondylitis (Ankylosaurus spondylitis)

Onset of the disease is almost always invisible, clinical manifestations of the disease are very diverse. It is generally believed that in 75 of cases the disease begins with pain in the sacrum and spine, a 20 - pain in peripheral joints, and in 5 - with the defeat of the eye (iritis, iridocyclitis). Joint with scientists of the GDR monitor 200 patients has shown that often the first symptom of the disease (70 patients) are periodic pain (arthralgia) in large and small peripheral joints, which in 54.5 patients with unstable accompanied by arthritis. 56 patients early in the disease there is also pain in the lumbosacral region with localization and irradiation characteristic of sacroiliitis (pain in the buttock radiating along the back of the thigh or in the middle of the sacrum).

Arthritis and chronic bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease)

Arthritis and chronic bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease)

The clinical picture of peripheral arthritis characterized by acute attacks relapses. Usually their development coincides with the worsening of the underlying disease. The latter is most often preceded by several years the appearance of peripheral arthritis, but arthritis is sometimes the first sign of intestinal disease. Articular manifestations - swelling, pain, hyperthermia of the skin over the joint, effusion into the synovial cavity inflammatory nature. With each attack affected usually not more than three joints, and the process can be highly migratory, often covering the knee and ankle joints are the small joints of the hands and feet are rarely affected.

Arthropathy hemochromatosis

Arthropathy hemochromatosis

Joint damage is one of the main and sometimes the only clinical manifestation of hemochromatosis. However, in most cases, chronic arthropathy develops in patients who already have the characteristic features of hemochromatosis - pigmentation of skin, enlarged and cirrhosis, signs of diabetes, myocardial in some cases with insufficiency of the myocardium.

Arthropathy often begins with lesions of the proximal interphalangeal joints II and III fingers.

Barre Syndrome

Barre Syndrome

Described the classic signs of the syndrome: pain in the neck and face, dizziness or unsteadiness when standing or walking, noise and pain in the ears, visual disturbances and accommodation, pain in the eye area, reducing a tonus of vessels of the retina. In addition, this syndrome can be policekaran violation - glossily with a progressive course, as well as mental changes, manifested by agitation.



The clinical picture of Behcet's is in nosological sense purely clinical concept. Not only relatively specific, but even any characteristic histomorphological, immunological or biochemical signs of this disease does not exist. At the same time when the clinical picture is quite full of expressiveness makes the diagnosis of disease is undeniable. It should be borne in mind that the particular symptoms of Behcet's can not occur simultaneously. Between the appearance of the first signs of the disease and the accession of new clinical manifestations can be months or even years. By this time the first signs can undergo complete regression. Therefore, in each specific period in a patient with Behcet's can be only one or a few characteristic signs of the disease, not to mention the possibility of remission without any pathological symptoms.

Brucellosis arthritis

Brucellosis arthritis

Brucellosis is acute, subacute, chronic, and in recent years the number of chronic cases has increased significantly, they constitute 51-69 among hospital patients. Meet and permissionchecker form of the process (14 cases), which often pose a significant diagnostic difficulties. The disease is characterized by undulating fever, chills, heavy sweats, enlarged lymph nodes, liver, spleen, changes in the nervous system (headache, mental disorders, neuritis, etc.) and other organ systems.

Canine hip dysplasia

Canine hip dysplasia

Clinical signs of this disease are asymmetry of skin folds on the thighs, revealed by inspection with their front and rear sides, the restriction of passive abduction of the thigh outwards and backwards at the position of the child on the back and bent the knee and hip joints. Normally, the number of folds of skin on both legs equally, the splaying of the legs as possible to the angle of 80-90°. When dysplasia passive abduction is limited to 50-60°, while the doctor may feel some resistance due to the spring resistance of the thigh muscles on the affected side.

Cervical Plex

Cervical Plex

Most often the nerves of the cervical plexus is secondary and is a symptom of another disease process. To the cervical plexitis may lead to an increase of the cervical salivary glands or syphilis cervical vertebrae, etc. Also cervical Plex possible after local hypothermia. In such cases, fixed acute onset of the disease, manifested by pain symptoms.

Chondromatous joints

Chondromatous joints

Clinically revealed monoenoic or monoartrit. The synovial membrane occurs metaplasia of the cartilage cells, with normal histological structure. Macroscopically detectable in this kontrolnie corpuscles are circular formation from a millet seed to a large bean. These cells can be fixed in the thickness of the synovial membrane, on the surface or to be free in the cavity of the joint (joint mouse). In the latter case, chandrani Taurus can be a cause of so-called blockades joint when you hit them in the space between selenophene surfaces, there is a partial or complete jamming of the joint when it moves.

Dermatomyositis (polymyositis)

Dermatomyositis (polymyositis)

Inflammatory changes in the muscles are of a localized nature. Of diagnostic importance is the detection of inflammatory infiltrates consisting mainly of lymphocytes and histiocytes, plasma cells, eosinophils. These infiltrates are localized in the intermuscular connective tissue, around small blood vessels, including perivenular in the muscles.

Dermatomyositis part 2


Onset may be acute, but more often the symptoms develop gradually, with predominantly skin and muscle manifestations: edema and hyperemia in the periorbital area, on exposed parts of the body, myalgia, progressive muscle weakness, sometimes arthralgia, low-grade fever. With acute onset of fever up to 38-39°C, a sharp deterioration of more generalized and bright erythema on the face, trunk, limbs, rapidly progressive muscle weakness, up to immobility in the first month of the disease.

Diffuse (eosinophilic) fasciitis

Diffuse (eosinophilic) fasciitis

The clinical picture characteriaed seal soft tissues of the upper and lower extremities with impaired physical activity, until the development of flexion contractures of various joints, especially the fingers.

Drug and serum sickness

Drug and serum sickness

Allergic reaction can develop immediately after the injection of serum or drugs, exacerbating bronchospasm, shock, sometimes with fatal outcome. In most cases, the clinical picture is deployed within 4-10 days after injection of antigen and is characterized by multiple symptoms. Appear fever, facial edema, widespread urticaria or erythematous rash, especially pronounced at the injection sites, if the antigen is administered parenterally. Can be abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, signs of bronchospasm, lymphadenopathy, tachycardia, arrhythmia, pericarditis, disorders of the nervous system and kidneys due to vascular lesions.



The clinical picture of the disease depends on the degree of influence of the above described genetic defects of connective tissue in General can manifest certain characteristics. Patients sometimes find the effusion in the knee joints as a result of permanent injury or laxity of the joints.

Elbow styloiditis

Elbow styloiditis

Appear spontaneous pain in the styloid process of the ulna, aggravated by radiation abstraction brush and radiating to the IV and V fingers. On palpation there is tenderness over the ulnar styloid of the ulna, and sometimes a little swelling in that area. On radiographs in some cases detect the thickening of the soft tissue over the ulnar styloid.

Felty Syndrome

Felty Syndrome

Some patients with felty's syndrome occur infections such as pneumonia or skin infections, more often than the average person. Low ability to resist inflammatory processes due to the low number of lymphocytes is the cause frequent infections. The appearance of leg ulcers may complicate the felty's syndrome.
In the early stages come leukopenia (up to 4-2 - 109/l), granulocytopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, explained by most authors hypersplenism.

Giant cell arteritis

Giant cell arteritis

Onset may be acute or gradual. Specific clinical signsassociated with damage to certain arteries, often preceded by common symptoms such as a fever (low grade to 39-40 °C), weakness, loss of appetite, sweating, noticeable weight loss. Fever unspecified, Genesis in the elderly, combined with a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate, often it is a manifestation of giant cell arteritis. Among the symptoms that directly reflect the involvement of the arteries, the most common is headache, occurring in 60-70 patients. Sometimes it turns out that the first sign of the disease.



According to the Swiss classification there are five degrees of magnitude TG.

0 - the thyroid gland is not visible and not palpable

I palpated the isthmus of the thyroid, but the thyroid gland is not visible

II - the thyroid gland is noticeable during swallowing, easily palpated

III - TG increased significantly, visible to the eye when viewed in the form of "fat neck".

IV - a pronounced goiter, deforming the neck of violating its configuration

V - giant goiter compresses the organs of the neck with breathing and swallowing.

Gonococcal arthritis

Gonococcal arthritis

True gonococcal arthritis is characterized by the same symptoms as any other septic articular process: high fever, chills, loss of one or more joints, leukocytosis. Normal localization process - knee, ankle, wrist joints, in which pronounced signs of local inflammation and quickly develops atrophy periarticular muscle groups. Rarely the development of gonococcal mono or oligoarthritis is not accompanied by General symptoms of sepsis. At 25-50 of patients simultaneously detected gonococcal skin lesions in the form of nodular papules on a red base, sometimes vesicles and pustules filled with purulent or hemorrhagic content with a dark necrotic center, which is usually localized on the back, distal extremities, around the joints.

Goodpasture's Syndrome

Goodpasture's Syndrome

The classic triad expressing clinical and pathogenetic essence of the disease are pulmonary hemorrhage, glomerulonephritis and antibodies to antigens of the primary membrane of the capillaries of the lungs and kidneys. The disease is rare and can affect any age, but often affects young men. The specific causes are unknown - not once described the development of goodpasture's syndrome after recently suffering flu or inhalation of hydrocarbons. In this regard, it is possible that similar effects thus change the chemical structure of the above-mentioned antigens of the major membranes that they acquire autoantigen properties and trigger the production of corresponding antibodies with pathogenic properties.

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